How to Prevent Cold Stress This Winter

Working in cold temperatures increases the risk of cold stress injuries and illnesses. Prepare for cold stress with proper cold weather safety. What is Cold Stress? Cold stress is a condition caused by a significant decrease in your body temperature resulting in the inability to naturally warm up. Higher risks of illness and injury are associated with cold stress. Exposure to cold temperatures (winter weather, freezers, cold storages, cold warehouses) increases the likelihood of cold stress injuries. Wind chill, dampness,

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Reminder: Post OSHA 300A Form Friday, February 1st

The OSHA Form 300A ‘Summary of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses’ for the 2018 calendar year must be posted beginning Friday, February 1. The summary log must be posted at each establishment in a common area where employees are accustomed to viewing notices until Tuesday, April 30. All employers that are required to maintain an OSHA 300 Injury and Illness log must post the accompanying OSHA 300A summary sheet in their workplace. A company executive must review the related OSHA 300

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Get Your Facts About Stationary Engines

There’s a good chance you’re using RICE (Reciprocating Internal Combustion) engines to generate electricity or to power pumps or compressors at your facilities. There’s also a good chance that you may not know the latest environmental regulations applying to those engines. While emissions from one RICE engine are relatively small, cumulative RICE engine emissions include toxics like formaldehyde, acrolein, acetaldehyde and methanol. In addition, they emit conventional pollutants such as carbon monoxide (CO), volatile organic compounds (VOCs), nitrogen oxides (NOx)

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5 Things That Could Trigger an Environmental Inspection on Your Facility Today

Environmental regulatory inspections aren’t slowing down any time soon. In fact, evidence suggests that manufacturers are seeing even more facility inspections and higher penalties these days. If inspectors showed up at your door today, would you be ready for them? Whether you receive regular inspections or haven’t had one in years, it isn’t a matter of if it’s going to happen, but when. Being prepared starts with knowing the various ways an environmental inspection can be triggered on your facility.

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Workers in hard hats going over some papers

7 Ways to Boost Your Safety Performance

Based on our 30 years of experience helping manufacturers from coast to coast with their safety compliance, here are the Top 7 ways you can start improving your safety performance today. 1. Engage your employees early and often. People want to be heard, not directed. And they like feeling a sense of pride and ownership. Start with a survey that asks workers which issues they care about most, and which need improvement. Send them to various divisions (or other businesses)

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